Sunday, October 8, 2017

We Keep Odd Hours


So, been a while, no?  Some of you may have noticed there hasn't been a brand new post in, what, three years?  Well, that's not changing now, but for those who stumbled upon this site via weird googling or were directed from another location, I at least wanted to pop a quick note up letting you know where the real action is:

Our Upcoming DVD & Blu-Ray Releases of Note list is constantly updated -- I'm biased, but I think it's the best of its type, and hopefully you'll find it useful. 

Also, I post multiple times a week at the Cinema Arcana Facebook Page with pre-order write-ups, exclusive news announcements and other ramblings.  I've also started an Instagram Page and a Twitter Feed.  Definitely swing by and give them a "like" or a "follow" -- if that's your thing.

© 2017 -- Bruce Holecheck. All Rights Reserved.